Wednesday 26 November 2014

Going For More Oxygen for an Enhanced Life

Human life devoid of oxygen is impossible to imagine. Every vital organ of human beings is dependent on this element for their optimum functioning. No human can perform without this. It acts as the lifeline but its supply is in threat. Trees and plants provide us with oxygen and in turn take in the carbon dioxide present in the air. But in our enthusiasm for progress and development we have destroyed the green cover. The rapid industrialization that we have unleashed has destroyed the balance of vital elements that are present in the air. The level of oxygen have gone down to a level that people have started depending on various other sources for inhaling purified form of O2.There are countries where this vital element is available over the counter.

o2 bar

There are commercial establishments like bars, casinos, wellness centers, hotels and many other places   that install oxygen vending machines. Before using these machines the users need to pay to these machines. The payment made by the prospective user is validated by the machines for appropriateness and adequacy. If the payment made is valid then O2 is made available. A packaged breathing device is provided to the client. The client uses the devise to direct the O2 to their nose. The supply of the pure concentrated oxygen is stopped after a period of time which is actually predetermined.

Oxygen vending has made availability of this element easy especially for those people who think that they are not breathing enough of it. The benefits of it are immense and so there is a considerable demand of these things in the market.

The various benefits of O2 for which people are accessing these products are as follows-

·         The  process of aging of human cells are slowed down with the aid of oxygen

·         It offers reprieve from headaches

·         It  helps one to discard  tiredness

·         It  boosts up  the immune system 

·         It helps one out of depression and betters their mood

·         It enhances physical performance 

When it comes to oxygen nobody wants to take a risk. It is better to have the needed amount in your system rather than having less of it.

Monday 10 November 2014

Why purified form of O2 is a necessity?

Oxygen deficiency is a common place thing. People are concerned about this fact but their race towards development and prosperity have made them reckless enough to play around with the most important element of the Earth’s atmosphere and that is O2.We human beings just cannot function by discarding this element. But today there are elements present in the atmosphere which are harmful to the human body and people do feel that they are missing out on the positives of the vital element.

o2 bar

This constant search for pure O2 has lead to product like 02 bar. It is basically a recreational establishment and consists of an oxygen source which supplies pure O2. It is popular in a variety of places and this product can be very easily installed in these places like private parties, tanning salons, night clubs, and casinos and even in airports.

The O2 from these O2 bar helps do many things and these are as follows-
·         It slows down the aging process of the cells of the human body.
·         It assists in offering respite from headaches.
·         It provides relief from tiredness.
·         It helps to invigorate the immune system of the human body.
·         It helps to come out of depression.
·         Presence of oxygen supports breathing of air in cases of asthma and allergies.
·         It boosts the physical performance of a human being by up to twenty five percent.
·         Human brain feeds on oxygen and glucose.
·         It offers relaxation.
This product helps us to breathe in the essence of life. Human beings can exist without food and water for a number of days but in the absence of O2 they will collapse immediately. There was a time when the air around us used to contain far greater amount of the important element and we needed no external supply but pollution has pulled down this level and our bodies eager to have more of it to function at the optimum level.