I am in college and after college my friends and I like to hang out in night clubs. Earlier these places were meant for having fun without thinking about anything else. People used to be happy in their own little islands without caring about the world surrounding us. But in recent times there is a certain change in their attitude and also in the awareness level of individuals.
They are discussing things that are very important but are never really meant for discussion. People are worried about the deficiency of oxygen in the air and we human beings are very much responsible for it. Our greed and hunger for industrialization, urbanization, more economic prosperity and rapid growth has led to destruction of natural resources especially destruction of greenery all around us. With the destruction of trees and forest all around the production of O2 as reduced to a large extent. Even hundred percent healthy individuals are incapable of getting enough Oxygen from the atmospheric air. This is affecting people directly also there is a realization that we are very much dependent on nature for sustaining our life. People are finding out innovative ways to increase the amount of this crucial element in their system so that they can function up to their full potential.
Even in our night club the management has installed O2 bar. It is an establishment that can be installed anywhere and its function is to provide pure and concentrated oxygen for recreational use but this in turn also provides many health advantages. The more one has oxygen in their system the better they function. The oxygen from these O2 bars has many health benefits and those are as follows-
• It slows down the aging process of cells of human body
• It helps to come out of fatigue
• It gives a boost to the immunity and metabolism of the human system
• Helps to come out of depressive mood
• Improves physical performance and activity The night club which I frequent has a huge demand of pure O2 and these bars have become a sort of social alternative especially for youngsters.