Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Making Human Body Strong And Steady With The Help Of Pure Oxygen

In the contemporary times the oxygen content in the atmosphere surrounding us has decreased to something between 19%-21%.This deficiency is so high that it is a major cause for concern for the researchers and scientists who are the specialist in this field. They doubt that there is some sort of a relation between the increase in diseases in human beings and this deficient level of oxygen which is precious for the survival of human beings. We require this important element present in nature for our optimum functioning and if it is present in fewer amounts than various kinds of bacteria, virus and parasites and other destructive agents take shelter in the body and affect it negatively causing various kinds of physical issues. This proves that a body which is rich in this vital element actually has the capacity to prevent many diseases from affecting the human body.

o2 bar

Not only the air we breathe, but also the food we eat is polluted and obviously O2 deficient. So these are the precise reasons why people are taking refuge to innovative products to increase the level of element in their body. There are many products that are available in the market which can be utilized to increase the level of O2 in the human body.O2 bar is one such product which is extremely  in demand especially in the urban areas which suffers from lack of oxygen.

O2 bar is amakeshift establishment that can be installed without any hassle at variousplaces like the casinos, wellness centers, hotels, resorts and many other places. These places supply purified form of this element to the clients who buy it in lieu of money. People inhale 50%-99% oxygen and it is inhaled for a minute or so.

The effect of this pure oxygen is far reaching and helps people to get reprieve from stress and strain to a great extent. It also helps to get rid of hangovers and simultaneously increases the energy level which helps in better functioning of human beings.
There is no doubt that the oxygen is of utmost importance when it comes to revitalizing human system and to make it perform at its best.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Going For More Oxygen for an Enhanced Life

Human life devoid of oxygen is impossible to imagine. Every vital organ of human beings is dependent on this element for their optimum functioning. No human can perform without this. It acts as the lifeline but its supply is in threat. Trees and plants provide us with oxygen and in turn take in the carbon dioxide present in the air. But in our enthusiasm for progress and development we have destroyed the green cover. The rapid industrialization that we have unleashed has destroyed the balance of vital elements that are present in the air. The level of oxygen have gone down to a level that people have started depending on various other sources for inhaling purified form of O2.There are countries where this vital element is available over the counter.

o2 bar

There are commercial establishments like bars, casinos, wellness centers, hotels and many other places   that install oxygen vending machines. Before using these machines the users need to pay to these machines. The payment made by the prospective user is validated by the machines for appropriateness and adequacy. If the payment made is valid then O2 is made available. A packaged breathing device is provided to the client. The client uses the devise to direct the O2 to their nose. The supply of the pure concentrated oxygen is stopped after a period of time which is actually predetermined.

Oxygen vending has made availability of this element easy especially for those people who think that they are not breathing enough of it. The benefits of it are immense and so there is a considerable demand of these things in the market.

The various benefits of O2 for which people are accessing these products are as follows-

·         The  process of aging of human cells are slowed down with the aid of oxygen

·         It offers reprieve from headaches

·         It  helps one to discard  tiredness

·         It  boosts up  the immune system 

·         It helps one out of depression and betters their mood

·         It enhances physical performance 

When it comes to oxygen nobody wants to take a risk. It is better to have the needed amount in your system rather than having less of it.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Why purified form of O2 is a necessity?

Oxygen deficiency is a common place thing. People are concerned about this fact but their race towards development and prosperity have made them reckless enough to play around with the most important element of the Earth’s atmosphere and that is O2.We human beings just cannot function by discarding this element. But today there are elements present in the atmosphere which are harmful to the human body and people do feel that they are missing out on the positives of the vital element.

o2 bar

This constant search for pure O2 has lead to product like 02 bar. It is basically a recreational establishment and consists of an oxygen source which supplies pure O2. It is popular in a variety of places and this product can be very easily installed in these places like private parties, tanning salons, night clubs, and casinos and even in airports.

The O2 from these O2 bar helps do many things and these are as follows-
·         It slows down the aging process of the cells of the human body.
·         It assists in offering respite from headaches.
·         It provides relief from tiredness.
·         It helps to invigorate the immune system of the human body.
·         It helps to come out of depression.
·         Presence of oxygen supports breathing of air in cases of asthma and allergies.
·         It boosts the physical performance of a human being by up to twenty five percent.
·         Human brain feeds on oxygen and glucose.
·         It offers relaxation.
This product helps us to breathe in the essence of life. Human beings can exist without food and water for a number of days but in the absence of O2 they will collapse immediately. There was a time when the air around us used to contain far greater amount of the important element and we needed no external supply but pollution has pulled down this level and our bodies eager to have more of it to function at the optimum level.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Relevance of oxygen based products in today’s world

I am in college and after college my friends and I like to hang out in night clubs. Earlier these places were meant for having fun without thinking about anything else. People used to be happy in their own little islands without caring about the world surrounding us. But in recent times there is a certain change in their attitude and also in the awareness level of individuals.

They are discussing things that are very important but are never really meant for discussion. People are worried about the deficiency of oxygen in the air and we human beings are very much responsible for it. Our greed and hunger for industrialization, urbanization, more economic prosperity and rapid growth has led to destruction of natural resources especially destruction of greenery all around us. With the destruction of trees and forest all around the production of O2 as reduced to a large extent. Even hundred percent healthy individuals are incapable of getting enough Oxygen from the atmospheric air. This is affecting people directly also there is a realization that we are very much dependent on nature for sustaining our life. People are finding out innovative ways to increase the amount of this crucial element in their system so that they can function up to their full potential.

Even in our night club the management has installed O2 bar. It is an establishment that can be installed anywhere and its function is to provide pure and concentrated oxygen for recreational use but this in turn also provides many health advantages. The more one has oxygen in their system the better they function. The oxygen from these O2 bars has many health benefits and those are as follows-

 • It slows down the aging process of cells of human body
• It helps to come out of fatigue
• It gives a boost to the immunity and metabolism of the human system
• Helps to come out of depressive mood
• Improves physical performance and activity The night club which I frequent has a huge demand of pure O2 and these bars have become a sort of social alternative especially for youngsters.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Therapeutic Effect of Spa Treatment


Urban life has its own stress and strain. A big city never has time for its residents. They live with their own problems, pressures and sadness. I was no different from the others. Monotony of life, regular battles for survival, the onslaught of dust and dirt, the stress and pressure of a job left me tired and embattled. All I needed was a little space for me. My fast and irregular lifestyle has left me tired and feeling low. 

One of my friends suggested me to take a break and try out oxygen spa.O2 is a great rejuvenator itself. So I decided to go for it.

In an Oxygen spa there are unique and innovative solutions available. There are O2 detox sessions that not only oxygenates but also detoxifies the entire human system. The body will be entirely cleansed and the individual will feel energized.

I was placed in an extremely relaxing steam bath that warmed my skin and opened up the pores of the skin. After that pure and concentrated oxygen was diffused into steam of the bath that entered my system through the pores and bathed my tissues and cells with the rich and pure oxygen.
After the process was over I felt relaxed and rejuvenated. Mentally I was much more alert and also left upbeat about the coming days.

The pure O2 from the spa has many health advantages and those are follows-

• Oxygen can never be discarded for the sake of sustaining life. Without it human health will get worse and they will expire. Since this all important element helps in the metabolism process, the shortage of it affects the weak cells which loses their usual immunity and becomes susceptible to viruses and this in turn leads to a variety of health issues.

• O2 not only supports life but also finishes off all the injurious bacteria in the human body. But it never harms the useful bacteria that are required in the body.

• Our life style in the contemporary world is full of stress. Human cells need this element to deal with these issues of pressure and stress.

The result from one single session was so fruitful that I am continuing with the spa treatment.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Offering Genuine Recuperating Treatment

o2 bar
I am a working woman. Out of seven days a week six days are spent in the office with all the added stress and strain. There is work pressure; there is this constant necessity to deal with office issues, then there is this need to balance work and home. After taking care of everything at the weekend I myself is in dire need to get pampered and rejuvenated. But I never knew where to go for genuine recuperation process.

Then one of my colleagues suggested me to try out oxygen spa. Honestly speaking I did not have an idea about it at first so my colleague accompanied me and it was the most fantastic experience I had. There are professional spa specialists available who suggest to the clients what kind of tailor made programs would help the clients and what are things that should be avoided. All they aim for is glowing skin, physical health and mental relaxation. They offer multiple treatment programs and it is based on the concept that oxygen itself is the natural source of healing and wellness. The technology and equipments used in the spa are absolutely advanced and high tech.

These spas also have oxygen bars installed where clients can just go over the counter and purchase pure oxygen. This form of O2 is usually for recreational use and it is accompanied with oxygen bar aromas.

The spa I went to had excellent infrastructure. Their treatment rooms are exquisitely designed. It harbors tranquility and peace.

I tried out few oxygen based treatment and results were fantastic. My hair and skin both were much more radiant and I got many compliments for it. There was a constant feeling of tiredness which disappeared completely. I was also more mentally alert.

The treatment was so effective that I carried on with it without any break.